Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

As we are nearing the end of another season, it is time to prepare our bodies for the upcoming change. Chu Shu 处暑 begins on the 23th of August this year. What...
Herbalist creating formula

Xiao Yao Wan vs. Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (逍遥丸 vs. 加味逍遥丸)

What is the difference between Xiao Yao Wan 逍遥丸 and Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan 加味逍遥丸? We've compared them in detail so you don't have to!