
Watermelon Frost: the 'oral elixir'

Watermelon Frost is named the 'oral elixir' for its immediate effects on canker sores, nasopharyngitis, larngitis, toothache due to the excessive internal heat, swollen and aching gum, stomatitis, non acclimation, stiff tongue, scalds, burns traumas, etc,.
May 17, 2024 — The Herb Depot
Last Solar Eclipse of our lifetime! + Eye Health Tips

Last Solar Eclipse of our lifetime! + Eye Health Tips

Today is April 8th, 2024, the day that the Solar Eclipse will visit the GTA! Did you know that the last time this happened in our region it was 1925?...
YuShui 雨水 - Second Solar Term of the year

YuShui 雨水 - Second Solar Term of the year

YuShui 雨水 (Rain Water)  is the second solar term among the 24 solar terms. Every year around February 19, when the sun's ecliptic longitude reaches 330 degrees, it is YuShui 雨水...
Rainy Day Remedy

Rainy Day Remedy

4 ingredients you can use to make a Rainy Day Remedy soup, this has the functions of dispelling dampness, eliminating stagnation, and strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

As we are nearing the end of another season, it is time to prepare our bodies for the upcoming change. Chu Shu 处暑 begins on the 23th of August this year. What...
8 things to avoid while using Moxibustion/Moxa

8 things to avoid while using Moxibustion/Moxa

Moxibustion/Moxa is a heat therapy that warms the meridians and unblocks the collaterals, promotes qi and blood circulation, reduces swelling and dissipates stagnation, dispels dampness and cold, and treats various...
Herbalist creating formula

Xiao Yao Wan vs. Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (逍遥丸 vs. 加味逍遥丸)

What is the difference between Xiao Yao Wan 逍遥丸 and Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan 加味逍遥丸? We've compared them in detail so you don't have to!
Pain: A Story of Communication

Pain: A Story of Communication

"Where there is stasis, there is pain".

What does our pain say to us? And how do we respond?

June 01, 2021 — The Herb Depot
From the Inside Out

From the Inside Out

Traditional Chinese medicine fundamentals and the notion of balance and harmony that negotiate the two opposing forces - Yin and Yang - Fu and Zang.
November 20, 2019 — The Herb Depot