Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

Lunisolar Term: Chu Shu - 二十四节气: 处暑

As we are nearing the end of another season, it is time to prepare our bodies for the upcoming change. Chu Shu 处暑 begins on the 23th of August this year. What...
8 things to avoid while using Moxibustion/Moxa

8 things to avoid while using Moxibustion/Moxa

Moxibustion/Moxa is a heat therapy that warms the meridians and unblocks the collaterals, promotes qi and blood circulation, reduces swelling and dissipates stagnation, dispels dampness and cold, and treats various...
Mother's Day Recipe Guide 2023

Mother's Day Recipe Guide 2023

For our dear mothers who prefer acts of service over receiving gifts, here are three easy recipes for you to prepare and serve her, requiring minimal time and skills. These...
From the Inside Out

From the Inside Out

Traditional Chinese medicine fundamentals and the notion of balance and harmony that negotiate the two opposing forces - Yin and Yang - Fu and Zang.
November 20, 2019 — The Herb Depot